EA Exam 2023 Everything You Need To Know In 5 Minutes

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In this way, the increased number of strong and successful candidates pushes the pass rates for Part 2 and 3 above those of Part 1, regardless of the exam content. The yearly view of the EA exam pass rates helps us reach a more accurate understanding of the trends. Instead, Enrolled Agent pass rates tell us that passing the EA exam is completely possible. Basically, if you put the time and effort into your studies, you can be completely ready to pass each part. EA ExamCPA ExamCMA ExamCIA ExamAverage Pass Rate69%48%45%40%Considering the pass rates of these other popular accounting exams, the EA exam pass rate is encouraging. It’s certainly a full 20+% higher than the CPA Exam pass rate.

From a salary standpoint, Certified Public Accountants earn more per year (approx. $70,000) than Enrolled Agents (approx. $50,000). Hopeful enrolled agent passing score must pass each section of the EA test in order to be given the designation. No matter where they are in their career, EAs will always be able to provide a wide range of tax services to an increasing number of clients from all backgrounds. For tax accountants, earning an EA can increase their salary by several thousand dollars and allows them to take the next step in their career. The higher salary potential is one of the many benefits that an EA license can provide. Becoming an enrolled agent is an excellent way to explore job opportunities and business prospects that may not otherwise be open.

How long does it take to prepare for the EA exam?

Assuming this is a linlong term liabilities examplesr scale that starts at a score of 0, a passing score of 105 is 65 points above the lowest score, out of 90 total points. This seems to imply that a score of roughly 73 percent would be passing (65/90), but who really knows? For example, if the minimum score of 40 is given to all scores below a certain level , then the required percentage of right answers would decrease. Our psychometric team analyzed End of Rotation exam performance data following best statistical practices and presented the results to the PAEA Assessment team.

All references on the examination are to the Internal Revenue Code, forms and publications, as amended through December 31, 2022. Also, unless otherwise stated, all questions relate to the calendar year 2022. Questions that contain the term “current year” refer to calendar year 2022. In answering questions, candidates should not take into account any legislation or court decisions in effect after December 31, 2022. The Fast Forward Academy pass rate for Enrolled Agent users is unknown. Besides, Fast Forward has a policy of not publishing its pass rates for the EA exam.

Are there specific test dates for the Enrolled Agent Exam?

And finally, make sure you’re studying with a good EA review course. For example, your course should have plenty of EA exam practice questions and at least one Enrolled Agent practice exam. Rest assured that the overall Enrolled Agent exam pass rate is encouraging. And really, these pass rates are almost unheard of among other accounting credential exams.

Food or beverages, other than water, may not be brought into the testing room. Candidates may take breaks to access food and beverages stored in their locker. Yes, you may take the Enrolled Agent parts in any order you please. The IRS Tax Professional PTIN Sign-up System is available at /ptin.

Online EA Test

You need to pass a suitability check which includes both a tax compliance check and a criminal background check. In order to maintain your designation, you would need to complete 2 hours of ethics continuing professional education each year after you pass your exam. If you rush through the question stem, you may miss something important and have to read the stem again or answer incorrectly.

special enrollment exam

In the EA review course market, you’ll not only see a lot of course options, but you’ll also see a lot of price points. For example, Gleim EA Review costs $500-$600 depending on the course package. However, you’ll only pay this much if you purchase all 3 parts at once. And while such a purchase involves making a bigger initial investment, it also gives you the best value.

Since this https://1investing.in/ is from a few years ago, the percentiles could have shifted some. Still, we’ve seen at least what constituted an average for a year or two of the handful of years that the EA has been in existence. It may be that GMAC left some room to expand the score range if necessary. In any case, now you know the basics of how the Executive Assessment is scored. So, let’s move on to discussing what constitutes a good EA score, first by considering EA score percentiles. Please note we are not affiliated with any actuarial organizations.

After all, presumably, a score that is higher than average is a good score. Executive Assessment scores are valid for 5 years from your test date. Now that we understand the basic structure and adaptive nature of the exam, let’s get into how the Executive Assessment is scored. Your performance on the Quant modules does not affect the difficulty level you see on the Verbal modules, and vice versa. It’s important to note that the modules for a given section always appear in successive order.

  • Expect fairly basic questions for the first few years of implementation, followed by a move toward more nuanced topics later.
  • In order to become an enrolled agent, you must achieve passing scores on all three parts of the EA Exam.
  • Enrolled agents are required to renew their license every 3 years.
  • To ensure that you study effectively until exam day, you must create an EA exam schedule that leads you through an EA review course.
  • This appears to be the source of the 105 points on the new IRS-mandated scale, but the question is whether this scaled score implies a 60- or 70-percent minimum passing score.
  • As it turns out, the answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no.” Let’s discuss.

She founded Pinnacle CPA Review and co-founded Surgent Kolar CPA Review. To make intimidating computations a breeze, memorize the formats of basic tax calculations for individuals and various types of business entities. Similar to knowing the fundamentals, you’re likely going to have to calculate a variety of basic tax numbers. For example, you might have to calculate Adjusted Gross Income for individuals or deductions for corporations.

Questions About the Executive Assessment Exam Answered

As part of the evaluation of your enrollment application, the IRS will conduct a suitability check that will include a review of your personal tax compliance and criminal background. The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

Take a look at the topics tested on Parts 1 and 2 and decide which topics you feel more comfortable with. Sit for Parts 1 and 2 in order of your familiarity level and then take Part 3 last. Testing according to these considerations will help you master the topics so you can pass each part on your first try and become an EA faster. The 100 multiple-choice questions that make up each exam include 15 experimental questions. The topics of the experimental questions cannot be known, so this breakdown accounts for the remaining 85 questions.


For Version 6 scale scores, the method we used to make national comparative data available on the first day of administration is different than the historical method described above. Scale scores are developed based on actual performance of a reference population of students taking Version 5 End of Rotation exam forms. For example, the final data from Version 5 of each of the specialty exams were statistically equated to scale scores using a linear transformation. Utilizing empirical versus projected data in statistical analysis yields slightly different results, but ensures that data are stable across years. To best represent our student test-takers, we felt it was important to transform raw scores into scale scores using empirical data.

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Posted: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Notice that boosting your score by just a few points bumps up your percentile ranking significantly, and the same concept applies in the other direction. Also, keep in mind that because the number of EA test-takers is growing, those percentiles could look dramatically different in the coming years. But for now, we at least have some sense of how EA test-takers are performing and what might be considered a “good” EA score.

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